Uganda Graduate Rose (’24):
‘I’m Eternally Grateful for LBC’

by LBC Marketing

April 30, 2024

Posted: April 30, 2024

Uganda Graduate Rose (’24):
‘I’m Eternally Grateful for LBC’

by LBC Marketing

In just a few days, Lancaster Bible College’s main campus in central Pennsylvania will be flooded with families and loved ones as we celebrate over 360 graduates across all locations and degree levels. While some graduates may be natives of the area, many will be traveling long distances to celebrate their graduation. Among them is Rose Mugabi Khalayi (’24), who earned her Doctor of Ministry from her home country of Uganda through LBC | Capital’s partnership with the Pastors Discipleship Network (PDN), which will celebrate graduation in Kampala, Uganda, on May 25, 2024.

Uganda graduate Rose Growing up in a male-dominated society, education wasn’t a luxury all females had the opportunity to benefit from. Rose’s first classroom was a mango tree where her chair was a rock and her book was mud. However, Rose was able to qualify as a home economics junior schoolteacher at age 23, after which the government granted her a university scholarship to earn her undergraduate degree.

In addition to being a devoted wife and mother of five, Rose also serves as a women’s ministry coordinator for the PDN. Throughout the past 14 years, she has overseen the training of over 833 pastors’ wives and women of influence.

“When I was introduced to LBC | Capital, I knew God answered my prayer for further studies and paved the way for more learning as a leader,” Rose expressed. “I’m eternally grateful for LBC.”

To learn more about LBC | Capital’s partnership in Uganda through the Pastors Discipleship Network and how to sponsor a pastor for $250 a month for 24 months, email Robert Blanks at or visit the webpage below.


To learn more about LBC | Capital’s partnership in Uganda through the Pastors Discipleship Network and how to sponsor a pastor for $250 a month for 24 months, email Robert Blanks at or visit the webpage below.