Study the Bible in Italy Through LBC’s Study Abroad Option

by Lancaster Bible College

January 23, 2018

Posted: January 23, 2018

Study the Bible in Italy Through LBC’s Study Abroad Option

by Lancaster Bible College

Did you know that Lancaster Bible College offers study abroad options? It’s true! Through a special partnership with Saints Bible Institute, located in the picturesque town of San Lorenzo, Italy, traditional undergraduate students of Lancaster Bible College can spend a semester studying the Bible in the heart of Europe.

We talked with Emily Moore (’19), an intercultural studies major at LBC who spent a semester in Italy, about her experiences with the program.

What were the classes like?
Classes were done in an accelerated style, so we only studied one subject at a time. The classes were informal and were more conversational. Most classes were one to two weeks long.

What was it like living in Italian culture?
I found out really fast that language learning is not a gift I have. While it was difficult at times to communicate clearly, experiencing Italian life was fun. We were in a small town surrounded by vineyards so we really got to experience the true Italian culture not just what we see in movies and read about. Every night we ate dinner at a local restaurant and enjoyed authentic northern Italian food. Pizza is so much better in Italy! They have amazing coffee too. It took me awhile to get used the taste and portion size but its own unique special way.

What impacted you the most about your study abroad experience?
My study abroad experience was one of discovering more about myself and being stretched, challenged and further molded into who God wants me to be. I am a commuter student, so it was my first time living in dorm style setting. Learning to be around other people with different personality types all the time was challenging. But I also had a great group of people who were there for me!

Did you get to travel?
A portion of the semester was spent outside the classroom and outside the school. There were trips that were part of our curriculum, and we also had free weekends that we were able to get away. The train and airport were close enough that I was able to travel to visit missionaries in France for a long weekend. I also went to Slovenia with the other students. Spring break is also designed for students to go and explore other places in Europe. I spent time in Scotland and Ireland while other students went to Spain, London, Wales and some other places. For the fine arts class, we traveled to Venice, Florence and Rome and the Vatican. We visited the ancient Roman sites and several art museums. We also took day trips to Verona and Padova. Because SBI is close to the mountains, we also went sledding in the Alps!

Would you recommend SBI to LBC students? Why?
I would totally recommend SBI to other students, especially those who are planning to go into ministry. The Spatola family (directors of SBI) is very passionate about training up the next generation to go fourth and spread the gospel. The opportunity to live in another culture is an experience that is hard to explain, but one that I would recommend. You learn about yourself, other people and about your spiritual walk with God. You are challenged and grow and make lasting memories. The staff at SBI are the best.

Want to learn more about study abroad options at LBC?

Study Abroad Through LBC

Want to learn more about study abroad options at LBC?

Study Abroad Through LBC