Professor & Student Duo Star in Fulton Theatre’s Production of “Big”

by LBC Marketing

August 4, 2017

Posted: August 4, 2017

Professor & Student Duo Star in Fulton Theatre’s Production of “Big”

by LBC Marketing

This was certainly a first for LBC | Capital – a professor and student took the stage together in Fulton Theatre’s production of “Big: The Musical.” The musical tells the tale of a young boy named Josh who comes across a magical fortune telling machine, makes a wish to be big, and wakes up as a 30-year-old man the next day.

Starring in the show were two of LBC’s own: Dr. Robert Bigley, our director of choral and vocal studies, and Samantha Ingram, a student in our musical theatre program who you might recognize from last year’s production of “Hello, Dolly!” where she played the title character as a freshman. Bigley played a number of roles, including George Macmillan, the owner of Macmillan Toy Company, while Ingram was a member of the teenage ensemble. The two were in rehearsals for the show when we spoke to them, and they both said they’ve been having a great time together on stage.

When we asked Bigley what it’s like to perform alongside of his student he said, “It is absolutely delightful. The first day of rehearsal with any theater company is often compared to the first day of school. “Will I know anyone there? Will I make friends? Who will I sit with in the lunch room?” It is a huge relief to walk in and see a familiar face. It’s even more fun when that familiar face is one of your students!”

Ingram said that her time as a student at the college has helped to prepare her for the role. “My voice teacher at the college helped me pick songs for the auditions, and my acting teacher, Mr. David Felty, helped me pick a monologue and practice it.” she said. “I couldn’t have done it without them.” When we asked her why she chose to study musical theatre at LBC, she said simply, “The Christian atmosphere was definitely a big part – the community is amazing and everyone really, really cares about you!”

As for Bigley, he said this is exactly the kind of thing he hopes that his music students go on to do – and it’s exactly what the college prepares them to do. “LBC is unique in that our students develop a mission beyond their art,” he explained. “Yes, they must become outstanding artists in order to succeed, but if they pursue art as the end all, they will end up jaded or burned out. Enabling them to study the Word while they study their craft expands their thinking and, hopefully, causes them to pursue their art as a means to a greater end.”

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