LBC | Capital Announces New Psychology Degree

by LBC Marketing

June 1, 2022

Posted: June 1, 2022

LBC | Capital Announces New Psychology Degree

by LBC Marketing

Undergraduate students at Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School will soon have the option to enroll in a new Bachelor of Science in Psychology program.

Beginning in the fall of 2022, LBC | Capital’s psychology major will aim to deliver a biblically centered education that will equip students to develop competency in the field, integrate their faith into their profession, nurture Christian virtue and develop a biblical worldview to serve Christ in the Church and society.

The psychology program at LBC | Capital will provide students with a broad knowledge in the field of psychology and faith-based skills. Students will be prepared for employment across a broad range of professional settings and for application to graduate school. Empowered with holistic knowledge that gives them tools to interact in the world from a biblical worldview, students will graduate equipped for lives of character, intellect and Christian faith.

The new psychology program also aligns with LBC’s mission, in that it will educate students to engage with life from a biblical worldview perspective, seeking to mentor an outlook that sees life’s work as a calling with eternal impact. Supporting the understanding that any workplace in any nation should be seen as a mission field, psychology specifically enhances our understanding of biological, psychological, social and spiritual aspects of daily living. This, in turn, helps students with relational living in contexts of family, church and society.

   Learn more about the on-campus undergraduate psychology program here.

LBC | Capital’s programs within the Counseling & Social Work Department have helped students obtain practicums, internships and jobs in private practice, church counseling centers, homeless shelters and ministries working as case managers, psychiatric aides, therapeutic staff support and more.

Some of the courses in the new psychology program include: Group Psychotherapy, Multicultural Psychology, Personality Theory: Development and Change, Social Psychology, Child Psychology, Behavior Modification, Learning and Cognition and Physiological Psychology.

LBC Psychology student. Below, hear from Melissa Boas, Assistant Professor and Director of the Professional School Counseling and Psychology programs.

Q: Why was the time right for LBC | Capital to introduce a psychology program?

 A: An undergraduate degree in psychology enables students to develop the analytical skills and human behavior basics to thrive in any career working with people. Throughout the program, students will grow into knowledgeable professionals with communication, research and interpersonal skills many employers seek. Skills such as analyzing and responding to emotional, psychological and interpersonal concerns with empathy and understanding will serve the students in a variety of employment settings.

Q: What will LBC | Capital psychology graduates be able to bring to the field?

A: Students considering graduate school will have enhanced foundational preparation necessary for acceptance. Whether seeking entry-level employment in the mental health field or pursuing graduate school after earning an undergraduate degree, the training embedded within the program will empower students to make an impact for the Kingdom regardless of the setting in which they find themselves.

Q: How will LBC | Capital’s psychology program prepare students to become a Licensed Professional Counselor or continue into grad school, either for their master’s or eventually their doctoral degree?

A: Students majoring in psychology [at LBC | Capital] can apply to be in our 4+1 master’s degree graduate program after completion of their freshman year. In the 4+1 program, students work toward completion of an undergraduate degree while also pursuing a master’s degree. Students have the option to obtain a master’s degree in Clinical Counseling, Addictions Counseling, Marriage, Couple & Family Counseling or School Counseling. All programs allow for students to graduate with the required courses to be eligible to apply to be a Licensed Professional Counselor in Pennsylvania.

Graduate-level courses taken during the undergraduate studies fulfill both undergraduate elective requirements and graduate program requirements. In the 4+1, students are dual-enrolled in LBC and Capital Seminary & Graduate School.

Likewise, adult learners who want to either start or continue their psychology studies toward a bachelor’s degree may also do so within LBC | Capital’s new online program.

Lori Dewald serves as LBC | Capital’s new Global Program Coordinator for the online psychology program. Dewald says it is the perfect time for adult education students, or college-aged students who want to earn their degree online, to study psychology at LBC | Capital.

LBC: What makes LBC | Capital online psychology program unique?

LORI DEWALD: The online undergraduate psychology program at LBC | Capital allows individuals to gain a quality education from faith-based professionals who share their biblical worldview. The psychology program at LBC | Capital is designed to promote and encourage student success and prepare them for entry-level employment in the mental health field or graduate school after earning an undergraduate degree.

LBC: How do LBC Global programs make it possible for busy working adults to earn their degree online?

LD: The online format of LBC Global programs allows busy adults to continue with their lives while pursuing their career goals. Courses are designed to allow students to complete their education on their schedules and does not disrupt family, work and spiritual involvement. As a former online education graduate, I valued the online schedule and flexibility that it created for me and my family.

   Learn more about the online undergraduate psychology program here.

Learn about LBC | Capital’s new psychology program!


Learn about LBC | Capital’s new psychology program!