Education and Counseling Students Take Away Lifelong Memories from Kenya Trip

by Lilly Rutkowski (’25)

June 27, 2024

Posted: June 27, 2024

Education and Counseling Students Take Away Lifelong Memories from Kenya Trip

by Lilly Rutkowski (’25)
Posted in: Academics, News & Events

In May 2024, Lancaster Bible College Education and Counseling & Social Work students embarked on a life-changing journey to Kenya, partnering with The Kenya Project while there. This ministry located in the Rift Valley of Nakuru operates a school of approximately 550 students as well as an orphanage housing about 90.

Part of LBC’s annual Journey Team trips, students worked alongside The Kenya Project to help fulfill the ministry’s mission to “provide opportunities for children of Kenya to know and experience the love of God through support to meet their health, educational and spiritual needs.”

“It is so hard to choose a favorite memory because it was all so good!” said Brooke Benjamin (’27), a student in LBC’s 4+1 BS/MEd Early Childhood/Special Education program, which enables students to earn a bachelor’s and master’s degree in five years total. “Two of my favorite parts were walking across the street [to visit] Upendo (Love) Children’s Home and bunk bed talks in the high school girl’s dormitory at night.”

LBC students worked alongside teachers, assisting in the classroom as well as throughout other facets of the ministry, including a technical school, sports and grounds.

“While at the children’s home, I would be crowded by kids who reached into my backpack to grab all the sweets and stickers I had brought,” Benjamin added. “We would take selfies, blow bubbles, dance to music and play with the parachute; it was so fun! God is so good and is doing amazing things at Nakuru Mountain Park Academy.”

Students also had the opportunity to take part in a safari due to the ministry’s location near several amazing national parks.

Each year, LBC Journey Teams travel to the furthest corners of the world to live out the gospel message by bringing hope to the hopeless. Whether working at an orphanage in Haiti, helping to build a church in Jamaica, teaching English in Germany, doing sports camps in the Philippines or being involved in street evangelism in Thailand, the service of these teams leave a lasting impact on the places they visit and the people they meet—not to mention on the lives of the individual team members. Trips are planned throughout the year and are open to all LBC students to participate.

Posted in: Academics, News & Events

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