Chargers Come Together for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

by LBC Marketing

October 29, 2021

Posted: October 29, 2021

Chargers Come Together for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

by LBC Marketing
Posted in: Athletics, Student Life

Throughout October, several Charger teams at Lancaster Bible College came together to lead fundraisers and show their support for women who are experiencing or have bravely survived breast cancer.

On Oct. 29, three women’s teams presented a check for $2,000 to Grace Cancer Care Ministry based at the Millersville Community Church in Millersville, Pa.

A week of breast cancer awareness activities began before the women’s volleyball game on Oct. 12, when Jodi Henderson and Chris Smith—a five-plus-year breast cancer survivor, recipient of Grace Cancer Care services and now a volunteer—shared the importance of the ministry. During and after the game, a bake sale in the lobby of the Horst Athletic Center helped raise funds for the ministry. Players held a serving contest between the second and third sets, and fans were encouraged to wear pink.

The next day on Oct. 13, fans were again encouraged to wear pink to the women’s soccer game, and donation jars to benefit Grace Cancer Care were located inside the main gate of Willis & Martha Herr Stadium. The crowd also heard from Shelby and Jeff Foster, who launched the Grace Cancer Care Ministry 10 years ago.

The week’s events wrapped up with the field hockey game on Oct. 16. Baked goods were again available inside the main gate of Herr Stadium, along with an informative display about breast cancer awareness.

Representing Grace Cancer Care for the check presentation were Shelby Foster, Karley Vitale and Karley’s daughter, 1-year-old Moriah. A decade ago when the Grace Cancer Care Ministry began, Karley’s mother was diagnosed with breast cancer while Karley was a sophomore in high school. At the same time, Karley was diagnosed with a life-changing disease as well.

“God led us through many dark moments and pulled us to many victories,” Foster remarked. “Karley and her family were one of our first Cancer Care families. The relationships that developed through Grace Cancer Care Ministry helped Karley make her decision to follow Christ. We are blessed to see Karley married and starting her family, along with her mother who is cancer-free. Karley is a true warrior and testimony of God’s awesome power.”

The mission of the Grace Cancer Care Ministry is to provide spiritual, emotional, household care and informational support to a person or family experiencing a cancer struggle in the Millersville Community Church and Penn Manor community. To learn more, visit

The LBC women’s volleyball, women’s soccer and field hockey teams are coached by Julie Brubaker, Jake Warren and Becky Elliott, respectively.

Posted in: Athletics, Student Life

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