8 Tips for Writing Your Resume

by Kimberly Blest, MA, LPC/Campus Counselor

July 27, 2017

Posted: July 27, 2017

8 Tips for Writing Your Resume

by Kimberly Blest, MA, LPC/Campus Counselor
Posted in: Advice for Students

Are you resume ready? Having the basic structure of your resume at the ready is key in any job search. Then you can pull it up, make a few adjustments and send it on its way. A professionally written resume is a work of art! What the words say and how they look on the page build a picture of you and your professional potential. The goal of a resume is for the prospective employer to read it and want to meet you! Here are some tips to help you get resume ready:

1. Only One Page
Limiting your resume to one page means it is more likely to be read! A resume is a snapshot while the interview is a place to share the bigger picture.

2. Consider Chronological vs. Functional
The old standard is to list experience from most recent. Consider listing information by importance instead, especially if your experience is limited.

3. Expand Your Experience
Experience is not limited to paid jobs; it can include volunteer work, leadership positions, church ministry, campus activities or athletics.

4. Give Attention to Aesthetics
In addition to content, a resume should look attractive. Use CAPITAL letters, italics, bold print, underlining and bullets to help sort information and give it variety. Use standard size paper as well as a standard font like Times New Roman in 10 to 12 point size.

5. Evaluate Your Email Address
Avoid cutesy addresses such as “ChocolateLover95” and stick instead to your name so you are easily identifiable when you communicate electronically.

6. Refrain From Listing References
“References Available Upon Request” goes without saying and doesn’t need to take up space on your resume. Instead, bring a list of references printed in a style similar to your resume for your interview.

7. Get People to Proofread
Ask people for feedback! From those who know you, those who are good at editing, and those in your industry.

8. Protect Your Document with a PDF
Always send you resume electronically in a PDF form to protect the integrity of your document. This way, it will look the same on all computer screens.

Posted in: Advice for Students

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