Meet Our Team

Joshua Swartz, MDiv

Adjunct Faculty

Department: School of Bible & Ministry

Office Location: Lancaster

Josh graduated from Lancaster Bible College in 2015 with a BA in Pastoral Ministry & Biblical Studies and not too long after that in 2019 graduated from Capital Seminary & Graduate School with a Master of Divinity and a Masters of Biblical Studies in Christian Apologetics.

His passion has always been to help others be better equipped to serve Christ by better understanding His word. Over the past decade, Josh has done this by serving in many different ministries and preaching across the country. Josh served in Lancaster Bible College’s Office of Digital Learning where he helped lead the building and development of fully Online Courses.


MDiv in Pastoral Ministry, Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary, Lancaster, PA
MBS in Christian Apologetics, Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary, Lancaster, PA
BA in Pastoral Ministry & Biblical Studies, Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary, Lancaster, PA

Courses Taught:

BIB106: Interpreting the Bible
BNT310: Romans


Luke 4:17-21